
a weekend for emma

what an awesome trip! i cant believe its over and done with. one exciting thing i did was walk on lake michigan frozen,which i had never done before. lets just say i wasnt as brave as blaize, who couldnt seem to care less. maybe you have to be born and raised there to have such a fearless attitude..? thursday i spent the day with shanaleigh scouring thrift stores and antique shops for serving ware,antique toys and unique things we could use at the shower. we had such a succesful hunt. we found things like old wood blocks,sterling silver trays,an adorable cake tray with a lid and so many more random treasures! friday, ashley got a group of girls together to go see little travers production sabrina. it was surprisingly really great, although i was confused at some parts wondering if they added or took away from the original story..so now i have to watch it to refresh my mind.
but of course the real reason i was there was for candy and emma's shower! it went just how i imagined it and now all of the hard work shanaleigh and i put into it pays off. i will have the photos posted as soon as i receive them.
im so happy candace and blaize were shown so much support and love by their friends and family. it truly was a lovely occasion! not to mention the gifts! little em is going to be stocked with adorable dresses,cozy onesies and fun toys for awhile. the days are getting fewer and fewer until we get to welcome her into the world. i cant wait! 

(this is for you shana. haha, what a great photographer you are! 
my mouth is still recovering from such a sugary sucker.)

1 comment:

ShanaM said...

HaHa YOUR so CUTE! haha silllyyy.